KEPSA, represented by the Chair for the Environment, Water, and Natural Resources Sector Board, Ms. Emily Waita, participated in the Global Plastics Negotiations in Ottawa, Canada. The objective of the meeting was to evaluate progress at INC 1, 2 & 3, with a focus on addressing the urgent plastic pollution crisis.

Despite some advancements in proposing measures to combat pollution, the fundamental issue remains unresolved: whether the treaty will enforce global rules or rely on voluntary national plans. While there was progress in prohibiting problematic plastic products, decisions on reducing production and consumption were deferred.

The slow pace of negotiations contrasts sharply with the gravity of the crisis, with over 15 million tonnes of plastic leaked into oceans since the start of the negotiations. KEPSA emphasized the necessity for a robust treaty with global bans on problematic and avoidable plastics, product design requirements, and financial support. Countries agreed to conduct intersessional work between INC 4 and INC-5, urging for increased observer participation.

The upcoming ministerial conference and intersessional work offer vital opportunities to advance negotiations. Despite lingering disagreements, there’s growing alignment on key measures, indicating the potential for a strong, binding agreement. The priority now is to translate this alignment into actionable texts to effectively address the accelerating global plastic pollution crisis.

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